New in True Stories: 'Berlin, Tacoma'


New in True Stories: 'Berlin, Tacoma' *

Has this ever happened to you?

You’ve just been laughed out of the bank after attempting a robbery. Your crush has shark teeth. The content of your mommy blog has made you the subject of an FBI investigation.

Sound familiar? Do some or all of these scenarios apply to your lived experiences? Congratulations and condolences. You may be stuck in a story by Marielle Gallagher.


About Marielle

Fiction writer and glamorizer of untruths. BA in Creative Writing from the University of Montana. She spent early 2023 collecting passport stamps like beads at Mardi Gras, and is now busy themeing an apartment around the concept of romcoms for vampires.



Mistaking employment for a movie montage sequence, I’ve worked as an event coordinator, a political organizer, a librarian, a receptionist, a shopgirl, a journalist, a florist, a nonprofit administrator, and a carhop. I’m also the author of The Killing Type and several short stories.